Write a short (500 words ) response either supporting or critiquing the concept of Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Your response should make specific reference to comments made at a site that offers MOOCs (Coursera, Udacity, MIT, etc.), the artic
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Not what it used to be: American universities represent declining value for money to ther students. (2012, December 1). The Economist, 405(8813), 2930. Retrieved from http://www.economist.com/ (Links to an external site.)
Ted Talks. (2012, November). Mitch Resnick: Lets teach kids to code (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.ted.com/talks/mitch_resnick_let_s_teach_kids_to_code.html
Ted Talks. (2013, February). Sugata Mitra: Build a school in the cloud (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.ted.com/talks/sugata_mitra_build_a_school_in_the_cloud.html
Ted Talks. (2010, June). Clay Shirky: How cognitive surplus will change the world (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.ted.com/talks/clay_shirky_how_cognitive_surplus_will_change_the_world.html
Mitch Resnick: Lets teach kids to code (Links to an external site.)
Sugata Mitra: Build a school in the cloud (Links to an external site.)
Clay Shirky: How cognitive surplus will change the world (Links to an external site.)